đģ OpenBSD Installation
This page was created before 2020
Please refere to the OpenBSD Handbook for more up to date installation instructions.
Because 6.4 defaults to fvwm
sysctl hw.disknames
disklabel [disk]
disklabel sd1
Rosewill Realtek rtl8188eufw
cp /dir/urtwn-1.2.tar.gz /etc/firmware/urtwn-1.2.tar.gz
cd /etc/firmware
tar zvxf urtwn-1.2.tar.gz
cp /etc/firmware/urtwn-1.2/urtwn-rtl8188eufw /etc/firmware/urtwn-rtl8188eufw
ifconfig urtwn0 up
ifconfig urtwn0 scan
vi /etc/hostname.urtwn0
++ join "mynetwork" ++ wpakey "mykey" ++ dhcp
I had zero luck with ```ifconfig urtwn0 [down/up]
ping -c 4
fw_update -v
Mouse cursor movements in XY directions (pressure sensitive) can ‘randomly’ switch to one of nine virtual desktops
I don’t remember why this was important. I hardly ever use FVWM
Created: 12/29/2021 âĸ Edited: 02/09/2025 âĸ Author: Chris Schammert (csmertx) âĸ
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