đģ Dynamic Window Manager (DWM)
static const char *fonts[] = "hack:size=10";
static const char dmenufont[] = "hack:size=10";
default terminal
static const char *termcmd[] = { "terminal-name", NULL };
Fix window gaps
-- static cont int resizehints = 1;
++ static cont int resizehints = 0;
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common ~/.xinitrc
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
Not recommended
Add to
while true while true; do xsetroot -name " CentOS 8.1 | $USER@$HOSTNAME | $(hostname -I| awk '{print $1}') | $(date "+%F %R") " sleep 1m done &
Status line output = CentOS 8.1 | chris@c1n1 | [IP ADDRESS] | 2023-02-05 18:28 (See below for date scripting)
Add to
feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/backgrounds/789948.jpg
feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/backgrounds/789948.jpg
Twice because that was the only way it would work for sone reason
Add to
exec dwm
Save layout from
cat that layout to whatever dwm autostart script
Created: 12/29/2021 âĸ Edited: 02/09/2025 âĸ Author: Chris Schammert (csmertx) âĸ
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