đģ Music Player Daemon (MPD)
Includes some instructions to listen to Commodore 64 .sid files
DeaDBeeF (optional for .sid playlist creation)
Debian for .sid songlengths
Easier listening experience
mkdir ~/.config/mpd
cp /usr/share/doc/mpd/mpdconf.example ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
sudo gpasswd -a mpd $USER
sudo chmod 710 /home/$USER
music_directory "/home/user/Music"
user "user" #Without systemd
group "user" #Without systemd
bind_to_address "/home/user/.config/mpd/mpd.socket"
pid_file "/home/user/.config/mpd/pid"
db_file "/home/user/.config/mpd/db" # MPD will create this..
state_file "/home/user/.config/mpd/state"
playlist_directory "/home/user/.config/mpd/playlist"
log_file "/home/user/.config/mpd/mpd.log"
sticker_file "/home/user/.config/mpd/sticker.sql" # MPD will create this..
restore_paused "yes"
auto_update "yes"
tri -S mpd-sidplay
Add to
decoder { plugin "sidplay" songLength_database "/dir/file.txt or /dir/file.md5" default_songlength "seconds (180)" filter "true" }
sudo systemctl disable mpd
sudo pkill mpd
mpd /home/user/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
DeaDBeeF > File > New Playlist > File > Add Folders > File > Save Playlist (m3u)
DeaDBeeF music player compiled for Debian is bundled with .sid support
mpc -h /home/user/.config/mpd/mpd.socket load /dir/playlist.m3u
mpc -h /home/user/.config/mpd/mpd.socket update
Make sure port is set (default)
as wellapti ncmpcpp
I think this was to load music from a folder? I haven’t used NCMPCPP since ~2018
to include directoryTAB
You have songs
High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC)
Community created .sid tunes from the 1980s to 2020s