Chris Schammert (csmertx)
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đŸ’ģ FFmpeg

Combine files from a list (Ranger File Manager)

  • cd to folder and open with ranger

  • press v key and issue command :bulkrename

  • in vim :w ~/Downloads/bulk.txt & exit

  • bulkrename filenames in bulk.txt to: file constantpartoffilename_1.mp4

  • vim ~/Downloads/bulk.txt

    • :%s/constantpartoffilename/file 'constantpartoffilename/g

    • :%s/.mp4/.mp4'/g

  • Should result in: file constantpartoffilename_x.mp4


Cut out a slice (audio)

ffmpeg -i "song.m4a" -ss 00:00:38 -t 00:04:16 "song.mp3"

Cut out a slice (video)

ffmpeg -i "2022-10-20 (1).mkv" -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:26 -c copy "2022-10-20 (1.1) - Snapping fingers (Character).mkv"

Compress phone videos for web/email (upload in minutes instead of hours)

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 output.mp4

GIF with subtitles (so-so quality)

  • AIO GUI: 🔗Kdenlive (create gifs with effects, etc.)

  • 🔗Gifski may be the right choice for high quality gifs, but here are the basics with FFmpeg.

  • Extract the subtitles if the subtitles are embeded (in this instance Scrubs Season 6 DVDs via MakeMKV).

    Would not work via my copies of The Office DVD box sets, but that’s ok.

  • ffmpeg -i "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.mkv" -map 0:s:0 ""

  • Convert .mp4 to .gif while including subtitles and without changing the framerate (30fps).

    ffmpeg -i "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.mkv" -vf subtitles="/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/" "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.gif"

Subtitles extracted from dr_rad_got_the_hose.mkv added to new dr_rad_got_the_hose.gif

GIF via PNG (pretty decent quality)

ffmpeg -i "/mnt/Storage/Videos/Movies/Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009).mp4" -ss 00:34:18 -to 00:34:26 -c copy "/mnt/Storage/Videos/iceage3weasel/Ice_Age_3_weasel.mp4"

ffmpeg -i "/mnt/Storage/Videos/iceage3weasel/Ice_Age_3_weasel.mp4" -vf fps=24 %d.png

For frame rate via Dolphin File Manager: Right click the file > Properties > Details > Frame Rate (23.98fps)

cd /mnt/Storage/Videos/iceage3weasel/

ffmpeg -i %d.png iceage3weasel.gif

Could find no file with path ‘%d.png’ and index in the range 0-4

ffmpeg -start_number 54 -i %d.png iceage3weasel.gif

54 in this case was the first image number

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (character: Buck) via DVD rip

Why not use .gifv or .webm? Video does not appear to be compatible with Github pages

Batch cropping PNG images for GIF creation

  • XnConvert: Batch Image Converter

    Downloads & Purchase > Linux > Linux DEB 64-Bit

  • In Dolphin File Browser CTRL + F can be used to search for result

    Since Dolphin only displays the output of search, it’s easy to copy to a different folder for processing

Batch cropped from 1280 width to 401x400 with xnconvert

Changing subtitle font size and color for gifs/video

ffmpeg -i "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.mkv" -vf subtitles="/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/'Fontsize=40,PrimaryColour=&H0000ff&'" "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.gif"

Font size: 40pts, Color: H0000FF

Changing (or adding) subtitle font background

ffmpeg -i "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose.mkv" -vf subtitles="/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/'Fontsize=40,PrimaryColour=&HFFFFFF&,OutlineColour=&H80000000,BorderStyle=3,Outline=0,Shadow=0,MarginV=20'" "/home/chris/Downloads/Shares/dr_rad_got_the_hose2.gif

Background color: H0000000

“Subtitle encoding currently only possible from text to text”

Meaning the video is probably encoded with PGS subtitles, which are image based subs, and not text based.

Subtitle Edit (GUI app)

  • Subtitle Edit: Dependencies

    • apti mono-complete

    • apti libhunspell-dev

    • apti libmpv-dev

    • apti tesseract-ocr

    • apti vlc

    • apti ffmpeg

  • Subtitle Edit: Download

    • The Linux version is the first ‘portable’ option under Files.

      Please see the known issues: Subtitle Edit for Linux

  • Open Subtitle Edit with: mono SubtitleEdit.exe

    File > Open > Personal Files > … (takes a little while to process)

    • Follow these instructions to use the GUI to convert subtitles using OCR.
  • Desktop entry: vim /home/user/.local/share/applications/subtitleedit.desktop

    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment[en_US]=Subtitle Edit
    Comment=Edit video subtitles
    Exec=mono /home/user/.sources/SubtitleEdit3611/SubtitleEdit.exe
    GenericName[en_US]=Subtitle Edit
    GenericName=Subtitle Edit
    Name[en_US]=Subtitle Edit
    Name=Subtitle Edit

    SE Icon can be found here or here.

    • sudo chmod +x /home/user/.local/share/applications/subtitleedit.desktop

After converting the PGS to SRT

  • ffmpeg -i "source_video.mkv" -vf "" "output_video_ready_for_memes.mp4"

    Future clips copied out of output_video.mp4 will contain subtitles for the scene

    This method burns the subtitles to the video, so change font size, etc. if needed

The City of Violence (2006) – PGS to SRT


Created: 12/29/2021 â€ĸ Edited: 02/09/2025 â€ĸ Author: Chris Schammert (csmertx) â€ĸ History đŸ•ĩī¸