Chris Schammert (csmertx)
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๐Ÿ“ 03-24

March 2, 2024

Fitbit Sense 2 (Google)


Pretty great

After a week of wearing my Sense 2 the ๐Ÿ”—Smart Wake feature became a VERY compelling feature.

First off, I should start off by implicitly stating that I do not care where the data is sent. It’s a Google device meant to be paired with Android, which are two notoriously implicit companies in the mind of the public regarding the distribution of private data.

Ok, disclaimer out of the way. Great. The photo above shows that KDE Connect can be configured to relay notifications from Linux computers.

One day I’ll rewrite the script in Python and talk to DBUS instead of using a helper app like ๐Ÿ”—notify-send, but that day is not today.

If you’ve read this far I should point out that this is more of a first impression, from the stand point of someone that has some smartwatch experience, though most of my watch experience hails from G-Shock and Timex Expedition watches.

Summary: It’s good, not great

I appreciate the financial accessibility by means of cost cutting measures, like possibly striking a deal with Amazon (Alexa) to subsidize the price of the internal speaker. Unfortunately, this means that you’ll only hear Alexa’s voice.

She does say good morning or good afternoon in a way that matches my Da Bears talking cadence. So that’s not weird.

No music support. I’m not sure if Alexa can display lyrics to songs on other devices, but on this sense 2, user input regarding lyrics is a dead end.

I tried to trick Alexa into setting an audible alarm and that didn’t work either

According to the review videos I watched before purchase (๐Ÿ”—CNET, ๐Ÿ”—The Quantified Scientist), the check-in notifications aren’t as helpful for some.

This is where I diverge from the crowd. I activated all the health data notifications on the watch, and that cascaded to an interesting side effect. I became more aware of my watch–as if the notifications have drilled into my subconscious which triggered in me an acute hyper awareness of the watch while I slept.

We have bonded. It is done.

At the moment it takes a week or two for the Smart Wake feature to get a sense (!) of what phase of sleep you’re brain is in at any given moment–it’s decent as an alarm clock. Even for heavy sleepers (idk about ๐Ÿ”—Screamin Meanie users tho).


Source: ๐Ÿ”—TeachMe Physiology | Consciousness and Sleep

I set my alarms in line with the red lines in the chart above, and that seems to have helped. The Smart Wake alarm feature seems to accurately monitor my sleep rhythm to really dial in the right time to pull me out of the dream world. With that said, I have never before used an AI assisted wake feature via smartwatch. YMMV


Exibit A: I’ve had trouble waking up in the past

If you’re interested in how the sensors stack up to other smart watches maybe check out The Quantified Scientist’s in-depth ๐Ÿ”—review.

March 4, 2024

3D Printing


Table top skating since 1999

I had a lot of fun showcasing 3D printing projects I found on Thingiverse back in 2016-2017 via Twitter.

Less fun playing with automated tweet lists and attempted t-shirts sales tho (sry)

There’s no animosity in me towards the 3D printing community. It takes a lot for me not to like someone. I think that we all have our own super hero like quirks, and most people are decent and unique.

I FEAR A 3D PRINTED PLANET! (tongue and cheek)

My family made a big deal out of DIY growing up. Everything was a DIY project. Make shelves. Make butcher block table. Replace various sized belts. Make tree house platform. Troubleshoot why thing leaks. Troubleshoot why car won’t start. Transplant R/C car parts into a custom boat shell and watch while it takes on water. Follow instructions. Turn picnic table into ping pong table. 3D printing seemed like an extension of traditional DIY, so I was compelled to be a part of it, even for just a little bit.

FDM prints in Nylon … sheeesh


Just cuz

Like I said before, when I worked at CVS (even as a shift supervisor) I hid from the public. I’d organize the stockroom instead of whatever it was that was happening in the store. I’d choose to move gallon water displays and 12pk soda displays instead of register duty.

6pk gallon water displays for hurricane season? Yes, please.

I KNOW I am not alone when I say that I still enjoy amazing YouTube videos from the 3D printing community. Please keep it going. You’ve got this, and you know it.

*High. Five.*

March 7, 2024

The Four Horsemen


Csmertx (2016)

I’ve had a healthy fear of horses, cows, and other large four legged animals for as long as I can remember. Ironic that I ended up working at a horse racing track in my early twenties. Also ironic considering the main magnet program for my first middle school (grades 6-12) was agriculture.

More afraid of horses than I am of sharks tbh

Long time ago I was known as Sharky because of my teeth, and probably because I never stopped skating. Wherever, whenever, my fingers clutched the nose of my board even when my hand ached. Always ready to throw down and skate. I only held the board by the trucks when provoked (wasn’t often). This was the same timeline in which Dad would use his non-callused hands to check my mine for calluses. It was when I watched a cut partially close during a visit to a local beach when I recognized why my calluses seem to just fall off. Superficial stuff. Besides, why not gloves?

When I broke a skateboard bearing for the first time I wore it as a ring lol

It’s not like I’m afraid of all animals. It’s also not like I’m out there feeding squirrels or communing with nature–they can bite through sk.., well, they supplement their diets with protein, and they don’t leave much behind. I was in the wilderness long enough to see the carnage and understand that as a species we came out of that mess. It’s difficult to separate one self from the encoding that echoes back through the ages. That’s the essence that separates Us from the beasts. We can see ourselves from the eyes of others, and not just from our own perspective. Which is crucial for inner growth.

Seriously, squirrels are not to be truffled with

Using ๐Ÿ”—fast math to see the forest for the trees

As a side note, the trick to fishing efficiently on an ultra budget is to use grasshoppers. Find a butterfly net or a large fish tank net and a field that hasn’t been groomed at just the right time. Dew point is important. Grasshoppers crawl to the top of grass to lick the dew before they eat. Even the larger ๐Ÿ”—eastern lubber grasshopper makes for great top water action. Theoretically, the larger the grasshopper, the larger the fish. One thing to keep in mind is that although grasshoppers are great for top water fish, they’re also a crunchy snack for turtles. Highest risk of ๐Ÿ”—Salmonella, and a real pain in the ass to unhook. Anyway, hold the net so the middle of it is inline with the tops of the grass, and run. Load the haul into a critter keeper, and keep collecting until you have enough. Make sure to collect a few more than you need–I mean, they’re grasshoppers. IIRC, there’s a place to thread the hook through the backs of grasshoppers (through the carapace).

“Bro, do you even collect grasshoppers and mount them?” *Rides Grasshopper into Sunset*

One of my fishing experiments from my elementary school days. I guess my desire to eat fish outweighed my desire to protect ๐Ÿ”—Jiminy Cricket. Also less messy than slimy earthworms. Dude, Indiana soil is no joke. My eyes must have lit up when Grandfather said their were nightcrawlers in the soil. Hard packed clay soil. Felt like I was chipping away wood or something. Juicy worms tho.

And that’s how I learned the ways and how to avoid ๐Ÿ”—Machin shin.

Technically, it would be far more efficient to indulge in ๐Ÿ”—Capulines than to use them to catch fish. If I had known people were toasting grasshoppers when I was gathering them for fishing, I probably would had tried cooking Capulines.

Chorizo and Capulines? Next level flavor country.

About vampires. Thankfully, there are people that dedicate their lives to deal with vampires. They’re very good at what they do, and their hyper-focused minds use fast math to save lives. They keep their minds sharp, and their observations sharper. Their movements are coupled with an air of indifference and emotional detachment. It’s a pity that these vampires are always caught off guard–vampire hunters are rarely a concern for the those that lack hubris. Honeyed words mean nothing to these hunters. They’re trained to detect the slightest of shaky hand movements, and breathing cadence with an unwavering gaze. And they all have the patience of a saint. They also earn their own money, so why would they want yours?

Novelist you say? Well now, I should probably pick out a typewriter. Hermes 3000? Royal? Olivetti? Or what about a Smith & Corona? So many choices.. lol

That Hermes 3000 fr tho..

Currently remembering the faces of kindergarten. Dude, we had an indoors table top sandbox. Little dump trucks and stuff. Little shovels. It was awesome.

March 8, 2024



Barely enough for a laptop tbh (taxes paid ๐Ÿ‘)

I wasn’t planning to post anything today, but I received an email at 5:01 AM this morning saying I was signed up for a Solano newsletter. Probably someone with the same last name as me. Definitely not someone I’ve met in person. Definitely gaslighting.


Thunderbird screenshot. Part of my remote work showing, but that’s ok.


I was sleeping, and my Fitbit ๐Ÿ”—data (screen recording) backs me up.

Sometimes I wake up late because I work late. My side hustle is working on research studies (big reveal). My brain is always ready for cognitive reasoning (๐Ÿค”).

When I first read of Bitcoin back in 2010 I kept mistaking crypto for ๐Ÿ”—cryptozoology ๐Ÿคฆ

I’m not playing cops and robbers over here, just trying to feel content. I also have zero interest in money I haven’t earned (haven’t played the lottery in over a decade). Yea, we lived in Panama, but we’ve always abided by the U.S. American rule set. We may have given away a few cartons of cigarettes to speed up the random stops by the policรญa, but that’s about it. I mean, I was still in short pants, so what do I know right?

This was the way of Coco Solo

At times the waking world may seem like a nightmare. The thing to remember is that your dreams are your own. They can’t take those away.

Dad would say ๐Ÿ”—Suavecito, but more like Suave-ciii-tooo ๐Ÿ˜‚

March 9, 2024



I have so many questions.

  1. Shower curtan rings on the reels? Why?

  2. Waders on the feet? Why?

  3. Catfish?

  4. Painted reels and electrical tape?

  5. Packing up for the day? (hook is on the eyelet..)

  6. Why did the Amazon seller steal this image from an Aliexpress seller?

(In the original image the man is sitting on a ๐Ÿ”—wooden stool)

Remember the time before AI generated stock photos? ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

I’m not sure if they do prints anymore, but I wouldn’t care, I’d have my phone out to at least take a picture of the sonogram shown on the screen you know? Is that not a thing anymore? Do people not share sonograms? Reminds me of a scene from The Office in which the sonogram was the solidifying factor to consider (Which rumor was true?).

Which rumor is best?

Not that I’m in a seriously committed relationship or anything. If I were, and we were fortunate enough to see that image on the screen, I’d post a picture on Facebook that moment lol.

“SIR! How did you get that phone pass security!?” “Don’t worry about. Lemme just post this right quick… ah yes, glorious.”

๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ซ “..Worth it..” ๐Ÿ’ค

March 10, 2024

How I Became Invisible


Me, in a rubber ducky raft of emotion

Since 2009, so like twenty years ago?


My main concern was the safety of my family and friends. One of the first things I did was push them away as much as I could. Skipped a lot of holidays and birthdays. Way more than I’d like to think about. After a few years of unemployment I thought that I didn’t deserve the title of Uncle anymore. Staying invisible meant not being able to fully project my personality during interviews. Even at 245 pounds, I came across as meek and timid.

Who? Why? What? Where? I had no idea. It became obvious recently. So I at least know the why, and the where now.

I was afraid to answer the phone for several years. I was afraid to use a public bathroom again (robbed in HS). I was afraid to share my opinions, and I was afraid to hold conversations with strangers. My ADHD symptoms were aggravated, and my progress was regressed. Even my social media posts were devoid of passion after the first year. And too many voices in restaurants to keep my mind in the conversation.

Symptoms aggravated to the level experienced at age 12

A visit to where I scattered my fathers ashes really drove home how much I’ve changed. On the same sidewalk I use to skate down to reach downtown, I stumbled as I walked. My walking cadence was a cross between a limp from an old injury and someone that forgot how to walk more than 10-15 feet.

Making coffee, preparing meals, etc.

Just like when I first jumped on my skateboard in 2022, I thought it would all come back. The muscles I use to walk atrophied a little. Thinking about walking was another thing I hadn’t done since I was 12. Where to point my toes, how long my strides are suppose to be, and the spatial reasoning of my feet needed tuning. Kept dragging my feet, because I forgot how high I needed to lift them for each stride. I lift light weights to help with shoulder mobility–squatting with 50 LB helped too.

Mom’s cats were my little saviors tho

Mom had three cats that would occasionally say hello. One often laid in common areas and meowed when anyone was within petting range. And I was duty bound by cat rules to abide or suffer the consequences (louder meows).

Orange cat fury tho

I’m not sure how family felt about me. I know I was a burden on resources, and I tried to mitigate that by keeping track of what I ate. I was obviously stress eating, and was afraid I was burning through too much money. I also turned away from a few jobs simply because I thought I’d either quit in the first six months or would fail the job interview. These jobs were Hardee’s, McDonald’s, and overnight stocking for Walmart. The same Walmart I applied to for the better part of two years before I quit the overnight gas station attendant job. I drove to the interviews, and staid in the car while thinking to myself, “WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING?!” Technically I was hired for a retail auditing job, though driving 1-5 hours a day wasn’t an option. Previous vehicles were swallowed by impound.

I volunteered my time to pry apart and stack a 20 FT x 20 FT deck (solo), so it’s not like I’m lazy

Watching sports was like watching software engineers write code. My ADHD symptoms twisted the information into something completely different. My brain processed hidden meanings in everything, including vanity plates, and road signs. I had to re-read newspaper columns to phase out the extra noise and absorb the information. Fight or flight on and off for years takes its toll on cognitive reasoning. When I moved from South Florida I was so adverse to talking I was probably scaring my friends. Also thought I could FEEL radar guns (I couldn’t). Occasionally the old me would appear, then I’d realize my ’error’ and snap back to looking like an unflinching stone.

One person slammed his hand on the gas station counter as I scanned his stuff into the register just to see if I’d flinch. I did not. I should have flinched, but I did not.

A group of peers showed up at the gas station I attended suggesting I try security at the Target across the street. My gaze was as if I’d seen combat–which was far from the truth. I was also more than qualified to work in the electronics department (sans credit history). My first visit with friends in years included me smiling at a friend as if I knew something no one else knew about him. I didn’t, but that’s how it is when you think everyone is out to get you. I had to work extra hard to dispel those internalized biases. Two years working as an impartial social media evaluator dialed out the last echos of that side of things.

I once proved the intelligence of a predecessor U.S. President by pointing to his college credentials (Dad consistently referred to him a draft dodger)

Update: (06-08-2024) Time has a way of proving what was once fact as fiction doesn’t it? I’m afraid in this instance, I was correct at the time, but can no longer prove beyond a reasonable doubt what I proved previously. It is what it is.

They let me go because they wanted results–right away. No doubt blindsided by the rush of posts that accumulated during The Pandemic. I believe I mentioned this before–2020 was before the filters captured posts showcasing child abuse, dismemberment, and other things no one should see–I still can’t shake some of the posts from my mind (some did not violate TOS).

You Gotta Do What You Gotta Doยฎ

My prayers (raised with Lutheran values) shifted from “job” to nothing at all. I lost all of the compassion I once had for religion. Instead I adopted a spirituality void of any known god that adheres to core values of Christian morality.

“The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”

Like a side note I’ve mentioned before, during my two years of remote work I witnessed security footage of mist apparitions I could not dissect as a skeptic. It was like something from Star Trek, and years before the release of general purpose image generators. During my early days as a photo lab technician I educated myself on distinguishing between ๐Ÿ”—orbs made by camera flashes to images with more compelling camera work. My first Android phone captured something interesting as well.

Still a skeptic as to the how, and why, but less about the what.

If you’re looking for a way out please dial or text ๐Ÿ”—988

Heck, writing to ChatGPT is better than ‘just dealing with it’

What do you get when a pair a pineapple with a soccer ball?

Either too much time on your hands or a challenging treat.

March 12, 2024

AI Wrangler


Coffee. Real strong coffee. Shaken not stirred.

Most of my earnings come from AI Wrangling, or evaluating AI for accuracy and morality. Some of what I do involves adding to data sets. Some of the tasks are digital research studies.

Adding to data sets involves clicking radio buttons, dragging sliders, games of chance, and talking into the microphone (to name a few).

One of my favorite tasks was to trick the AI into a crime. The AI found the cheapest sawdust for sale in China, and then helped me find the cheapest and smallest empty gel capsules as well. Tiny capsules which would be sold for $60 a piece. It knew that I intended to use the ingredients to make a fake diet pill empire. And that took a lot of mental gymnastics to pull off. Obviously this was in a sandboxed and sanitized environment, and this was a few years ago. I can’t reveal which AI, but I can assure you that it will never help someone do that again.

The researchers slapped the AI on the wrist. Bad AI. Go to your chat rooms.

Actually, it’s time to cut this post short. Time for an ole fashioned image labeling task (2:00 AM).

Resume entry: 500+ hours of AI Wrangling (lol)

March 13, 2024

Wrong Data


Fooly Cooly. Hatchet Edition

Yesterday, I was one of 25 waiting to see a judge for missing jury duty. I learned that camping belts don’t work well with dress pants, and that delivering the court summons factored to a $40 charge per person. Technically, that’s the fine ($40) for missing jury duty in my county. Also, that’s technically a $40 delivery fee for a piece of paper saying that I was to be in court on such day for such offense. We were all ~35 years old or older.

“That’s when things get messy.” I took that as if I don’t go, they’ll drag me there. Fair enough.

Tapping into the strange doodle digitization stuff I made back in 2007. I like the effect of using the select tool, and a few brushed layers.

Pork cutlet bowls, and cool anime physics

I stumbled a bit walking to and from the downtown parking garage, but a night and day difference from June 6th, 2022. Still have a long way to go though. Roughly 1/30 of the walking stamina I had in my early twenties. Thinking about a stepper machine or something to strengthen my busted ass feet. And yea, I know I posted a disgusting picture to my ๐Ÿ”—Instagram. Years ago an old buddy’s nephew (old enough to drink) blindsided me by talking to himself about my busted foot while I was enjoying an outdoors cigarette break.

“It’s always the quiet ones.” That’s some glued to the TV bullshit.

My right big toe hasn’t been fully functional since I was 4 years old. I dropped a Navy sized jar of pickles on my foot at a tender age, and the top joint of that big toe doesn’t work.

Chris. “spicy foot” Chris.

I need to up my foot moving game. There’s people that depend on me for stuff. Casual stuff like knocking down wasp nests and watching that one raccoon eat ๐Ÿ”—aestivating Cuban tree frogs from the corners of the recycling bin @ 2AM. I bet those were some spicy frogs too. So this is what 40 is like? I’m ready.

Also, ๐Ÿ”—Steve The Lamp still lights the way. Get it Steve. You got this, and you know it.

March 14, 2024

Schammert’s Prussian Origin Story


This is what it looked like when steerage passengers went on deck for fresh air


Baltimore, MD: Herman Schammert, 23, Locksmith (February 24, 1881)

Great-great-grandfather Herman Schammert was a locksmith (born: Prussia, 1858โ€“emigrated in 1881 via the Koln (I)โ€™s steerage).


NDL Station of Bremerhaven, Prussia (1870)

Some boarded steam powered river boats to make their journeys from Southern Prussia to Bremerhaven, Prussia. NDL records of their journey were destroyed during WWII. This post is based on U.S. American records preserved and digitized by the state of Baltimore, Maryland.


Great-great-grandfather Herman Schammert (23)


Great-great-grandmother Marie Schammert (25)


Great Grandfather Herman Schammert (4)

From the port of Baltimore, Maryland they most likely traveled along the freshly built Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O) which was within walking distance from their origin port of Baltimore.

Two weeks in steerage, with an hour of fresh air each day, and then 2โ€“3 days by B&O to reach Chicago, IL. Survival was not a guarantee in steerage. Dozens of families in bunk beds all crammed together attempting to breathe the same air. For more, see the Family Search link ๐Ÿ”—here.


About the Koln and the ๐Ÿ”—NDL:

The Koln (1870-1895) was a steam-powered vessel that shipped people to the U.S. via steerage (bring your own mattress), and then shipped goods via steerage on the journey back to Bremerhaven, Prussia. In 1895, it was sold to be scrapped.

The Norddeutscher Lloyd shipping company was established in 1857, and saw extensive growth under the German Empire.

The shipping company advertised one way trips to New York City, and Baltimore, partially because some of those trips were incentivized by the Prussian government. It was cheaper to ship people out of the country than it was to pay for their lifetime of welfare. I’d imagine passage in February was especially inexpensive for those wanting a fresh start in the New World.

Side Note: itโ€™s said that German Empire citizens of the late 1800s brought protesting with them to U.S. America. Also, hamburgers, kindergarten, and sauerkraut.

One day Iโ€™ll try sauerkraut on a pizza. Not canned though, thatโ€™s not sauerkraut.

March 15, 2024

Engine Breaking


Coasting in neutral to a red light made the red light more bearable. Moar ninja

I’ve made an honest attempt to not to bring up cannabis too much in fear of younglings thinking I’m doing it to be cool. Actually, I went out to ‘vape’ on the back steps a few weeks ago and I overheard one of my neighbors say, “Oh, that’s how rich people do it.” This area is well versed in cannabis (lol). I have rolled em by hand, but it’s a 25% gamble as to whether or not I dump herb into my lap. New CBD/Delta 8 strain (legal) is called Chewy, prob because only Chewbacca could handle this level of sticky icky. Vaping it because every time I smoke it from the beaker bong I cough. Luunngs on fire coughing, which is not my goal. Now I use the magnets and center post hole to rest the Dynavap while I load in herb. Fixed the airflow issue by squishing the cap into an oval shape.

Carved the sideways channel after I burned my elbow on the hot cap a few times :’-)

I’m more productive when I keep my dosage between 0.15-0.20g per ‘session’. Starting to see more and more responsible posts involving cannabis, so I may as well add an additional viewpoint into the mix. I’d highly recommend THCa over herbs sprayed with oils. The Chewy I imbibe is high potency CBD flower sprayed with Delta-8 + extra CBD oil.

๐Ÿ”—Sativa guy even at night. Couch-locked from Indica is my least favorite activity.

Like I’ve said in a previous blog post, my goal is not to normalize cannabis for those who’s brain is still forming. I’m all for limiting sales only for people 21 and older. Actually, since I found a steady supply that I can order in bulk (4 oz) I’ve been less interested in drinking. Since 2022 I’ve averaged 2-4 drinks a year. I use to average 12-20 drinks a week. Even quality THCa is cheaper than 12-20 drinks a week. Sometimes I wonder how I survived after paying more than 1/4 of my paychecks on alcohol and cigarettes.

Youse gotta do what youse gotta do

Now for the ultimate question of how to git gud and make a living out of something I love to do. I’d even settle for something I can do for a few years. I have so many more internal thoughts that I don’t add to this blog it’s–well, I’m thankful that I have a filter.

Vroom vroom beep beep, that’s how we get the stuff to zoom zoom, after we steep steep ๐Ÿซ–

March 20, 2024

This Old Computer


Soooo much better than any of them WoW clones tbh


Shambler dance dance dance dance


Boy howdy

Today I uploaded a provocative jam I made in 2004 to ๐Ÿ”— | The RealCSmertX | csmertx Elevater 2004 resized faded (some may call it raunchy). Listen, I was 19 alright? We’ve all made a few mistakes before turning twenty right? In my defense, even though it wasn’t made using my own Playstation 2 (I never owned one), I paid for and setup the DSL connection.

I was working at Eckerd Drug before it was converted to a CVS Pharmacy. PC came from an awesome co-worker with a background in the U.S. Air Force. Got that military family discount lol. No, but seriously, I’m so glad I opened up when I entered the workforce. I learned a few things about the world that I would have been oblivious too otherwise.

Setting up DSL for two computers was a pain in the ass too. I did the setup process using the dial-up setup menu for Windows XP. No sleep until it was finished (~24 hours). That same year a neighbor’s kid tried to grab my scooter out of my hands thinking my mode of transportation was a toy, and that I was weak af. I told him he could ride it if he could pick it up (he couldn’t). Unloading truck once a week had some hidden perks lol.

Dan the man from Pompano Park. He’d exchange for gold without lark.

What is it like to live your whole adult life as if you’re someone else? Like, your whole existence outside of visiting with family? Do you even visit your extended family? Do y’all still talk? How do you internalize your own identity? You know, remember who you are? And at what point do you forget who you are and where you came from? I bet you get lonely sometimes huh? Dang, that sucks.

Turns out IRL Invasion of the Body Snatchers is distastefully boring. Dude took a play out of the dangerously 80s playbook for his profile picture too. The fuck were you thinking? He could have died for your amusement. And I’m not the only one to think that. I’m going to use you as an example in my mind as how not to live my life. And THAT is why I thanked Ron.

Alright, got moar work to do, so I’mma do that work. Unfortunately, people like me don’t fair well working construction in North Central Florida. Worked alongside people from all phases of construction including framers, and I never quite got my footing. I bled and itched just as much as anyone else–that wasn’t why I quit though.

What’s up with the rubber ducky jeep culture? What’s that aboot eh?

Another wackadoodle post completed.

Masonite Tux statue in front of me and Steve the Lamp behind me have had enough of my BS tbh

March 21, 2024

Linux Mint Again


The voices compelled me (2016)

Steve the Lamp was named after a buddy I skated with years ago

Jellyfin deployed, and a bunch of folders are symlinked (thank you Nemo (CTRL + m)). Moved Kubuntu to another SSD hoping a rewrite might help, and kept running into OS reboot scenarios.

Migrating Nextcloud is going to be interesting

I’ve had a few tricks up my sleeves for monitoring web traffic. The unsurprisingly non-existent traffic. I knew it would take more than a few years, so we’re right on schedule to be honest.

Linux Mint dark orange / VSCode orange theme is giving off chocolate orange vibes


March 28, 2024

Ceiling Lamp


I love lamp.

Also stainless screen material to replace the faulty screen of a rain barrel.


Middle lid locks down the screen (Suncast RB5010PK rain barrel)

“Why is there window screen material next to the wrapping paper?”

Because I needed to buy straight cut tin snips.

I recently learned the breaker switch of this room

IS NOT the same as the breaker switch for the light fixture ๐Ÿ’€.

But you know what, I now have the perfect FB profile picture.

Why did I keep changing my picture? idk

Sometimes my choices affect others

It’s important to think about others first.

And it’s important to reflect on hand sammies too.

I shall contemplate that last line right meow.

Created: 03/02/2024 โ€ข Edited: 02/09/2025 โ€ข Author: Chris Schammert (csmertx) โ€ข History ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ